ask questions,
see and show perspectives.
PARLAW is a law partnership in Vienna. With our combined experience, we work closely with our clients – with you. We enjoy arguing our case and are passionate about enforcing the law.
Do you want a clear picture of your situation, a path, a solution? We look at your issue from different perspectives, listen and ask questions. Your needs take centre stage with us. In a respectful dialogue, we inform you about possible courses of action, support you in weighing up alternative decisions and offer you directions.
You define the goal. As your strong partner, we accompany you all the way there.

Four strong partners,
comprehensive expertise.
- Arbeitsrecht
- Compliance und Regulatory
- Datenschutz
- Ehe- und Familienrecht
- Erbrecht
- Forderungsbetreibung und Inkasso
- Gesellschaftsrecht
- Gewährleistungs-, Haftpflicht- und Versicherungsrecht
- Immobilien- und Bauvertragsrecht
- Kunst- und Urheberrecht
- Liegenschafts- und Wohnungskauf
- Markenrecht
- Medienrecht
- Miet- und Wohnrecht
- Nationales und internationales Netzwerk
- Opferschutz
- Unternehmensrecht und Geschäftsmodellierung
- Vorträge und Schulungen

PARLAW creates trust. That is important to us. And to our clients too.
Theory meets practice.
Would you like to know more about PARLAW’s work? We share experiences from our day-to-day legal work and provide assessments of current legal topics.
Comments, opinions, practical knowledge – here you get exclusive insights from our legal experts.
How to find us:
Hegelgasse 19/5+6
(1st floor)
A-1010 Vienna
(T) +43 1 235 12 65
(F) +43 1 235 12 65 65